Stephanie Leigh Bridal


Located in the small town of Girard, Ohio, Stephanie Leigh Bridal is a hidden gem in the Youngstown area. They offers a hand-selected, curated mix of wedding dresses that meet every taste and budget. Bohemian chic wedding dresses, vintage-inspired gowns, and classic-traditional wedding dresses are all part of the mix. The mother daughter team and knowledgeable stylist are here to provide personalized attention to make every bride and her guest feel like a part of the family when saying yes to the dress for their big day.

General Information

920 N. State St Girard, OH 44420
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Top 3 Specialties

Top 3 Specialties
Wedding gowns, Plus size wedding gowns, Mother of bride/groom

Location/Market to Place

Location/Market to place listing?
Northeast Ohio- Youngstown, Warren, Boardman, Akron, Cleveland, Western PA- Pittsbergh, Erie, New Castle


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