Twilight Design


I fly solo! Which is why I do small events, but also means you'll get my services way cheaper as I operate freelance with no overhead other than being billed for my services.

I've been in the wedding/event planning/coordinating field for about 20 years, am certified by the New York Institute of Art & Design, and am always willing to go the extra mile (literally) to help folks make their dream celebration a reality! Whether it's a reunion, birthday party, wedding, golden anniversary party--if you can dream it for your small event, I can get you there!

Servicing Maine and New Hampshire

General Information

17, Railroad Drive, Waterboro, York County, Maine, 04087, United States
Zip Code

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Top 3 Specialties

Top 3 Specialties
Backyard weddings, DIY weddings, budgetary events & celebrations

Location/Market to Place

Location/Market to place listing?
Maine and New Hampshire

follow the wedding style society 
