Millennium Productions


We've been in the wedding industry for the last 25 years serving brides in the STL area. We started as a DJ company and have broadened our couples experience by offering videography, drapery, ghost chairs, glass tables, string lighting, monograms, stages, dance floors, balloons, and dj facades.

It's been incredible as a small company of 8 people to do over 300 events a year thanks to the support of the wedding industry vendors.

We are focused on creating a wonderful, stressless experience for couples to tell their love story and create their vision.

General Information

8269, Brentwood Industrial Drive, Brentwood, Saint Louis County, Missouri, 63144, United States
Zip Code


Top 3 Specialties

Top 3 Specialties
Modern Weddings, Story Telling, Balloons

Location/Market to Place

Location/Market to place listing?
DJ, Videographer, Design, Lighting, Rental, Balloons

follow the wedding style society 
