WaConDa Woods & Gardens


WaConDa Woods & Gardens is a wedding ceremony and reception venue located in Union, NE.

This private setting, enveloped by trees and greenery, offers an ideal getaway for those preparing to tie the knot. Away from the hustle and bustle of modern life, this nature-inspired escape would suit those who want to relax and enjoy their milestone in peaceful surroundings. With a beautiful green outdoor ceremony space, an indoor reception barn with charming rustic elements and lights strung above, a stylish bridal suite, and a horse barn, there is a great deal to admire at this charming location.

General Information

2400,WaConDa Road,Union,Nebraska,68455
Zip Code


Top 3 Specialties

Top 3 Specialties
Weddings, Birthdays, Reunions

Location/Market to Place

Location/Market to place listing?
Omaha, NE - Lincoln, NE - Plattsmouth, NE - Nebraska City, NE - Papillion, NE - Bellevue, NE - Weeping Water, NE - Louisville, NE - Murray, NE - Eagle, NE

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